Ready to Control in Seconds

Our system is ready to use by any player at your facility in just seconds


Players can access our mobile remote control by simply scanning a QR code

Apple Watch

Seamlessly use an Apple Watch to control video recording by entering a 4 digit code in our app

AI Play Detection

We use AI to detect when individual replays began. You get concise, fun, and shareable videos.

AI Generated Highlights and Replays

Here are a few of our favorite AI selected and edited plays from our facilities

See more top plays

AI Gap Remover

Say goodbye to boring gaps. Our AI will cut right between the action. Reduces video length by up to 50%.

Custom AI Models for a Variety of Sports

Production-ready AI for 4 sports, with more coming soon.

  • Pickleball
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Badminton